K-Drama Yumi’s Cells 2 has ended, but the story is not exactly over.
In Season 2 of Yumi’s Cells, viewers have been unexpectantly caught up in a love triangle between Goo Woong (Ahn Bo Hyun) and Yoo Ba Bi (GOT7‘s Jinyoung)…
Initially, viewers thought things were over with Goo Woong after he and Yumi broke up in the first season. Yet, he returned in Season 2 with a glow-up, revealing that he still has feelings for Yumi.
Still, the timing appeared to be off when he returned, and she was with Ba Bi. Yet, in the end, she and Ba Bi broke up, giving some hope that she could be with Woong again…
The reason we broke up is not because Daeun called Babi at dawn nither because Bobby still saved Daeun's phone number. The reason we broke up was because of myself, who was calm after seeing it. How can a person in love be calm.#YumisCells2Finalepic.twitter.com/f70GsOKlhi
— m
(@ggone_kr) July 22, 2022
Nevertheless, it somehow felt that things were finally ending with both leading men, but on positive notes.
Babi and Woong are proof that some relationships are just there for our growth as a person 🥹#YumisCells2 #YumisCells2Finale pic.twitter.com/Prqgh3n6v5
— kdrama tweets (@iconickdramas) July 23, 2022
It turned out that after Yumi’s Love Cell had been exiled after breaking up with Ba Bi the first time, she returned after meeting a new man…
After completing the manuscript for the sequel to her novel, Yumi celebrates with a Christmas Eve party thrown by her friends. At the party, she is introduced to an employee from her publishing house who is to oversee Yumi’s writing in the new year.
At the party, we don’t see much of the man in question.
When he appears in frames briefly, he is out of focus.
So, at most, we see a hand and the tip of his head, which appears he has glasses on.
The next day, after the party, Yumi is low-key hungover. So, when she gets a message from an unknown contact, she is confused. She confesses she doesn’t remember them, and they explain they were introduced at the party.
Yumi struggles to remember his name, and finally, before the K-Drama ends, it is revealed to be Shin Soon Rok (also romanized as Sin Sun Rok), her new assistant editor.
Viewers have been anticipating the introduction of this character for so long, and many became worried near the end of Yumi’s Cells 2 that it would never happen.
ok so everyone’s been talking about how the news are gonna drop this week right?? hear me out…. what if sj really is gonna appear on yumi’s 3?? since season 2 ends this week, they need to introduce soonrok in this two final episodes right??? what if it’s him??????? pic.twitter.com/goXRazO1Ia
— ✿ (@byunshiho) July 20, 2022
I lost all hope for them to introduce Soonrok in the drama.
I was waiting for something in these two episodes but nope.
So if they'll not introduce him & in that way, leave Yumi without her real love, then i'd rather for her to end up single rather than with Babi. #YumisCells— Everything in time (@revengepsycho) July 16, 2022
If you’ve read the original Yumi’s Cells Webtoon, you’re familiar with the character of Shin Soon Rok. He is Yumi’s endgame.
Soonrok is introverted and operates on “low power mode” at work to save his energy. He only uses his Rational Cell to get through the day, which makes him come across as quiet and emotionless. He wishes to return home as soon as possible. Since he is an introvert, being around other people drains him emotionally and physically. He is happiest when he is at home relaxing. His coworkers frequently invite him to hang out after work, but he always declines, claiming to be too busy. In his comfort zone, he is a lot more empathetic and affectionate.
Soonrok loves coming up with imaginary scenarios in his alone time and can fully immerse himself in the settings. Yumi takes a page from his book and confronts a rival author in her imagination to come to terms with a plagiarization incident.
Soonrok has a strict rule against office romances, but he falls for Yumi and starts dating her.
— Yumi’s Cells Wiki
So far, the K-Drama adaptation has followed the source material quite well. So, we expected that Shin Soon Rok would have to be introduced some time. So, it seems like so far, the case will be that as Woong was Season 1’s male lead and Ba Bi was Season 2’s, Soon Rok will be Season 3’s, and it will end there.
Considering Yumi has had two very handsome leading men in her life already, fans are curious about who could be next! So, based on the brief shots of Shin Soon Rok at the end of Season 2, many are speculating.
Shin Soonrok is a 10 but he has no face
#YumisCells2 #YumisCells2Finale pic.twitter.com/aSCBFH9olN
— Atty. Woo brain rot
(@kdramatreats) July 22, 2022
The most common guesses are Business Proposal actor Kim Min Gue (also spelled as Kim Min Kyu), and My Roommate Is a Gumiho actor Jang Ki Yong.
WHO ARE YOU SHIN SOONROK#YumisCells2Finale pic.twitter.com/HKrwlvAJtM
— daisy han
(@kdramadaisy) July 22, 2022
However, the actor who played Shin Soon Rok was revealed to be a relatively unknown rookie actor named Jeung Hoon. He shared photos from the set on his Instagram.
His styling certainly reminds us of Secretary Cha in Business Proposal, so we can see how he was at first mistaken for Kim Min Gue!
This man looks straight out of a Webtoon. So, he would be good casting.
Yet, considering Yumi’s previous male leads were all big names, it is likely that another actor will be cast. Music director Kim Taeseong also explained via hashtag that the reason why Soon Rok’s face is not clearly shown is so that there could be freedom of casting if there is a Season 3.
Yumi’s Cells 2
I was very very happy once again to work on this project.
I will continue to be with the cells.
I will return with the theater version of Yumi’s Cells!!#imteamyumi #soiamgratefultowoongandbobby #woongisastarbobbyisthemoon #hopetheygosomewherethatshines #therecouldbeaseason3 #thereasonwhysoonrokdoesntrevealhisface #toshowthefreedomofcasting #themaincharacterofthisdramawillalwaysbeyumi
— Kim Taeseong
Knowing that Shin Soon Rok has not officially been cast yet, we can consider the possibilities.
Obviously, Kim Min Gue is the first choice among fans right now after the popularity of Business Proposal.
Yet, the Shin Soon Rok Webtoon character was actually based on two actors. So, it would be appropriate for those to be considered.
The author said that he wanted the character to appear cheerful rather than serious, so he looked to those two actors as references.
— Yumi’s Cells Wiki
The actors in question are Park Bo Gum and Kang Ha Neul.
They’ve both completed their military service and are beloved actors, so either would be an excellent choice. However, Kim Go Eun and Park Bo Gum worked together in a CF, Coin Locker Girl, and considered each other close friends. So, we know already the chemistry would be there without a doubt!
Fans have been speculating who could be Shin Soon Rok since the first season of Yumi’s Cells. Check out some of their earlier picks below.
[Some Spoilers] Fans Discuss The Best Candidate To Play Soonrok Shin In “Yumi’s Cells”
from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/1lqbjBF
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