GOT7‘s Jackson Wang is known for being vulnerable, especially with his fans.
Now, Jackson has penned a personal letter ahead of the release of his first physical solo album, MAGIC MAN, set to be released on September 9.
The voices in your head are right.
Pre-Order 'MAGIC MAN' Now.
.#jacksonwang #잭슨#王嘉爾 #TEAMWANGrecords@teamwangofcl— Jackson Wang (@JacksonWang852) August 13, 2022
Jackson recently encouraged his followers to sign up for his new email list on his website.
Enter the MAGIC MAN Experience.
I left a letter there.
Sign up for the e-mail list on your way in.
I will be sending you a secret code that unlocks some magic. #MAGICMAN
.#jacksonwang #잭슨#王嘉爾 #TEAMWANGrecords@teamwangofcl— Jackson Wang (@JacksonWang852) August 17, 2022
In doing so, it unlocks “some magic!”
You can check out all his new merchandise, including limited edition CDs, vinyl records, and clothes.
You can hear track previews in a virtual elevator.
Last but not least, it also unlocks an extensive personal letter, penned by Jackson himself.
Hey guys, wow,
This is the second album of my life plus my first ever full physical album…always wanted to own a physical copy of my music.
— Jackson Wang
Jackson revealed that he had wanted to release a physical album of his own for a while. Yet, before, he felt he never had the time for it.
Never had enough time in the past years to actually work on an album cuz of several reasons, and a part of it was me wanting a visual MV for every single song. And I didn’t have enough time.
— Jackson Wang
Of course, Jackson has released solo music digitally, but this is the first time he felt it deserved to be made into a physical album.
Another part of it was always having a thought of wanting a physical album with quality that deserves to be printed and comped into a CD. And I ended up waiting tooo long … smh haha
So now I’m like.. u know what, I think MAGICMAN deserves it.
So FINALLY it’s here.
— Jackson Wang
Jackson also explained the inspiration behind the album’s title MAGIC MAN.
MAGICMAN the name.
Let me tell u where all this came from.
Long story short.
— Jackson Wang
He revealed how he struggled as a workaholic and felt lost. At some point, it just felt like a never-ending cycle.
Being in this industry for a while, living as a workaholic, solving multiple problems, a life of constantly figuring out solutions for everything and everyone around me.
I got to a point where I was so lost and the further & longer I went, the more lost & the more negative & the lonelier I got.
Everything felt like a cycle and a loop.
I was lost, not connected with anyone also believing that talking to anyone wouldn’t make any difference.
And for the first time, I do not want to face them anymore. I tried avoiding them.
Got to a point that I was lost without passion & I wasn’t inspired to think, to function, to have a healthy mindset, or to even breathe.
— Jackson Wang
Jackson said it was like this for an entire year until, one day, his producer sat him down. After finally agreeing to speak with him, he had a breakthrough.
Until one day, my producer in a session, insisted to sit me down said let’s not record anymore. He then went on and said Let’s talk.
I refused to do so cuz I didn’t think a conversation would help anything, I didn’t want to waste even one second on anything but efficiency.
But we still did, cuz he insisted that he isn’t going to continue that day.
So after a couple of hours of conversation and I swear that, it’s the first time in my life that I felt, words mean ALOT.
— Jackson Wang
This sparked the inspiration for MAGIC MAN. He started opening up more with the rest of his team.
It was so magical.
Every single word out of our mouths felt like magic, it felt like every sentence was constantly hitting me like spears on fire towards my heart.
Then later that month I happen to have a shoot, and i met with the stylist, and the video director who also happened to be in the same shoot. We talked and they happened to say the same exact thing to me.
In a very very long time, this month felt different to me. Very different.
— Jackson Wang
During this period, Jackson not only surrounded himself with people, but he opened up. He became even more grateful.
I realized quite a lot.
And it was really important for me that time.
I realized how important it is to have positive people around you.
That will change everything, how you live, how you see things, how you function.
I realized how important it is to look around to cherish and appreciate the people that support you.
And to me, that’s my crowd, my fans and my audience that supports me even though I was never good enough for them.
— Jackson Wang
He also came to understand true happiness. For Jackson, he finds it through entertaining others.
I realized how important it is to know what makes yourself happy, because I realized everyone has a different standard of happiness.
And to me, it’s in entertainment- it’s entertaining people through performances, fashion, music, art, creatives … etc. or even to making them smile for once.
— Jackson Wang
And he gained a new perspective. As Jackson recognized that art is unique, everything can be art.
I realized music is art and art is based on a very personal preference.
It’s not something we complete as missions or tasks, nor is it something that could be calculated in a dead equation.
It’s a feeling.
And the beautiful thing is I realized that everything is art.
At the end, It’s just a matter of how many individuals can relate to your work.
Every single one of us has a different personality, standard of happiness, dream, vision and taste.
Everyone is a different individual.
— Jackson Wang
With this newfound perspective on life and art, he found his inspiration. So, MAGIC MAN was born.
I was so inspired that the next session I had in the studio, I was saying how magical all these feelings and thoughts came out of nowhere and brought me alive again.
I literally told my producer, I felt like magic.
I kid you not I said, I said I felt like MAGIC MAN…
I said: Let’s call my album that cuz I feel like I’m ready to create this album with the new me, not caring about anything, who ever I was, what ever I had, let’s leave it behind and start all over as the me now.
So yeah, that’s how MAGIC MAN all happened, and I know I said long story short, but I tried my best to shorten everything already, it’s still long…
— Jackson Wang
Jackson concluded his letter by expressing thankfulness to all who supported him, especially his fans.
I want to say thank you for all of you supporting me, being there for me and showing support to everything that I released. All the way.
I really appreciate it and I truly love you guys more than anything.
I care about every single one of you, you guys are like family, friends, love ones, someone that I cherish and won’t forget for life.
I really want to be connected with you guys in more than entertainment, wishing I can visit every place, seeing you all in real life, listening to what’s going on in your life. Sharing thoughts and engaging with you all.
Also entertaining you all through the stuff I do.
— Jackson Wang
He wished for their happiness as well while reminding them successfulness is set by your own standard.
Knowing that every single one of you, having your own identity.
Some might be in school, working already, married already…etc.
I wish you can be happy and be successful in your own standard.
Cuz that’s your dream and vision.
Never let others affect that.
You know yourself the best and you make your own judgements.
It’s your life. Stay positive and stay focused.
Everything else, the negativities, are just noise.
It might not be easy, but I believe you all can.
— Jackson Wang
Read Jackson’s letter in its entirety below.
Hey guys, wow,
This is the second album of my life plus my first ever full physical album…always wanted to own a physical copy of my music.
Never had enough time in the past years to actually work on an album cuz of several reasons, and a part of it was me wanting a visual MV for every single song. And I didn’t have enough time.
Another part of it was always having a thought of wanting a physical album with quality that deserves to be printed and comped into a CD. And I ended up waiting tooo long … smh haha
So now I’m like.. u know what, I think MAGICMAN deserves it.
So FINALLY it’s here.
MAGICMAN the name.
Let me tell u where all this came from.
Long story short.
Being in this industry for a while, living as a workaholic, solving multiple problems, a life of constantly figuring out solutions for everything and everyone around me.
I got to a point where I was so lost and the further & longer I went, the more lost & the more negative & the lonelier I got.
Everything felt like a cycle and a loop.
I was lost, not connected with anyone also believing that talking to anyone wouldn’t make any difference.
And for the first time, I do not want to face them anymore. I tried avoiding them.
Got to a point that I was lost without passion & I wasn’t inspired to think, to function, to have a healthy mindset, or to even breathe.
That went on for around 1 year.
Until one day, my producer in a session, insisted to sit me down said let’s not record anymore. He then went on and said Let’s talk.
I refused to do so cuz I didn’t think a conversation would help anything, I didn’t want to waste even one second on anything but efficiency.
But we still did, cuz he insisted that he isn’t going to continue that day.
So after a couple of hours of conversation and I swear that, it’s the first time in my life that I felt, words mean ALOT.
It was so magical.
Every single word out of our mouths felt like magic, it felt like every sentence was constantly hitting me like spears on fire towards my heart.
Then later that month I happen to have a shoot, and i met with the stylist, and the video director who also happened to be in the same shoot. We talked and they happened to say the same exact thing to me.
In a very very long time, this month felt different to me. Very different.
I realized quite a lot.
And it was really important for me that time.
I realized how important it is to have positive people around you.
That will change everything, how you live, how you see things, how you function.
I realized how important it is to look around to cherish and appreciate the people that support you.
And to me, that’s my crowd, my fans and my audience that supports me even though I was never good enough for them.
I realized how important it is to know what makes yourself happy, because I realized everyone has a different standard of happiness.
And to me, it’s in entertainment- it’s entertaining people through performances, fashion, music, art, creatives … etc. or even to making them smile for once.
I realized music is art and art is based on a very personal preference.
It’s not something we complete as missions or tasks, nor is it something that could be calculated in a dead equation.
It’s a feeling.
And the beautiful thing is I realized that everything is art.
At the end, It’s just a matter of how many individuals can relate to your work.
Every single one of us has a different personality, standard of happiness, dream, vision and taste.
Everyone is a different individual.
I was so inspired that the next session I had in the studio, I was saying how magical all these feelings and thoughts came out of nowhere and brought me alive again.
I literally told my producer, I felt like magic.
I kid you not I said, I said I felt like MAGIC MAN…
I said: Let’s call my album that cuz I feel like I’m ready to create this album with the new me, not caring about anything, who ever I was, what ever I had, let’s leave it behind and start all over as the me now.
So yeah, that’s how MAGIC MAN all happened, and I know I said long story short, but I tried my best to shorten everything already, it’s still long…
I want to say thank you for all of you supporting me, being there for me and showing support to everything that I released. All the way.
I really appreciate it and I truly love you guys more than anything.
I care about every single one of you, you guys are like family, friends, love ones, someone that I cherish and won’t forget for life.
I really want to be connected with you guys in more than entertainment, wishing I can visit every place, seeing you all in real life, listening to what’s going on in your life. Sharing thoughts and engaging with you all.
Also entertaining you all through the stuff I do.
Knowing that every single one of you, having your own identity.
Some might be in school, working already, married already…etc.
I wish you can be happy and be successful in your own standard.
Cuz that’s your dream and vision.
Never let others affect that.
You know yourself the best and you make your own judgements.
It’s your life. Stay positive and stay focused.
Everything else, the negativities, are just noise.
It might not be easy, but I believe you all can.
Thank you and this is MAGIC MAN
And me as Jackson Wang,
will do my best to be an artist that you all will be proud of.
Love you all, and see you soon.
— Jackson Wang
from Koreaboo
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