BTS has posted some of the cutest, funniest, and most embarrassing birthday tweets over the years to celebrate each other’s birthdays on Twitter. From unflattering photos to memorable moments, nothing is off-limits. Check out 6 iconic moments below, pick your own personal favorite, and then see which one each of the members chose at the bottom of the page!
1. Suga’s birthday
Jungkook made Suga this edit on his birthday in 2017 showing off his video editing skills and Suga’s legacy.
— Jungkook
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2017
2. Jin’s birthday
Suga posted this iconic photo of Banana Jin in honor of his birthday in 2016 — and it still haunts him to this day as fans love to post it on Weverse.
Banana Jinie Jin #JinHBD #It’sSuga #IUploadedAt12AMButWhyDidn’tItPost #I’mLate #HappyHappyBirthday #BananaJinieJin #Kyahaha
— Suga
바나나진이진 #진생일ㅊㅋ #슈가에요 #분명12시에올렸는데왜안올라갔지 #늦었다 #생일츄카츄카 #바나나진이진 #꺄르륵
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) December 4, 2016
3. Jimin’s birthday
Jungkook’s adorable celebratory selfie with Jimin in 2013 is a walk down memory lane.
#JiminHBD Hyung, congrats
— Jungkook
#지민생일ㅊㅋ 형 축하요
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) October 12, 2013
4. Jungkook’s birthday
Jimin posted this tweet in honor of Jungkook’s birthday in 2013 right after they had finished the hidden camera prank that brought him to tears!
지민이에요 ㅎㅎ우이 귀여운 정국이 몰래카메라 성공!! 펑펑 울었대요 ㅎㅎ 얼레리 꼴레리! 정국아 생일축하해!
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) August 31, 2013
5. V’s birthday
Jimin shared a series of videos of V for his birthday in 2015, including this one where V kissed the camera.
TaeTae birthday behind story 3
— Jimin
태태 생일 비하인드 스토리 3#JIMIN#올리는거_깜빡했다
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) December 31, 2015
6. RM’s birthday
J-Hope chose this photo of RM for his birthday in 2019 since it’s his ID photo in J-Hope’s camera roll.
Happy birthday to Namjoonie who has taken a permanent space in my phone.
#HAPPYRM DAY #Namjoon_MyStrength_MyLight_MyStar
#NamjoonIs_ARMYs_Love_Person_Pride #RMGalaxyDay
There are so many hashtags Namjoonah lol it’s ARMY’s power
— J-Hope
내 폰에 꾸준히 자리잡고 있는 울 남주니 생일 추카한다 #HAPPYRMDAY #남준_내힘_내빛_내별#남준은_아미의_사랑_사람_자랑 #RMGalaxyDay
태그많다 남주나 ㅎㅎ 아미의 힘이야 #남준친구호비— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) September 11, 2019
7. J-Hope’s birthday
Jin shared this iconic photo of J-Hope wearing Jin’s reading glasses for his birthday in 2018.
Our Hobi, happy birthday. I’ve been waiting a year to post this. -Jin
— Jin
우리 홉이 생일 축하해 내가 이거 올리려고 일년 기다렸다. -Jin
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) February 17, 2018
Here are the results of which one every member picked as their own personal favorite! Suga picked the video Jungkook made for him…
…Jimin couldn’t resist the maknae‘s charms after he shed tears on his birthday…
…and the rest of the members, RM, Jin, J-Hope, V, and Jungkook, all chose this hilarious and adorable photo of J-Hope as their favorite!
Check out the full results below.
from BTS – Koreaboo
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