On June 3, fan accounts from ENHYPEN‘s Aladin shop fansign were shared online, describing their experience at the event.
BELIFT LAB, the group’s label, faced intense online backlash after the accounts revealed “mistreatment of fans.”
BELIFT LAB Under Fire For Allegedly Mistreating Fans At Recent ENHYPEN Fansign
At this particular fansign, ENGENEs were not allowed to use pre-written scripts to make their communications with the idols easier. Fans that aren’t fluent in Korean, and many that need notes to help them overcome their nerves, were left at a considerable disadvantage with no apparent explanation.
Hello. I’m using a translator so it might be difficult to understand. But I was denied bringing a script to the Aladdin fansign. I don’t speak Korean that well, so I ended up not being able to communicate with the members at all.
— Foreign ENGENE
Following the backlash, the label has since made quick changes to its policies—for ENHYPEN’s next Music Korea fansign. One fan tweeted a notification message received from BELIFT LAB that addressed the concerns raised during the Aladin fansign.
…additional details regarding the in-person fansign event.
If the attendee has purchased the Weverse Albums version of DARK BLOOD, Music Korea will provide an additional piece of paper for the artists to sign.
If the attendee who has purchased the Weverse Albums version of DARK BLOOD wishes to bring their own DARK BLOOD – HALF version (not available for sale on site), the artists can sign the HALF version.
Please let a Music Korea staff know which option is preferred.
In addition, attendees are allowed to bring memos (ie. scripts) with comments to be shared with the artists, for the purpose of outlining what’s to be said. Attendees will not be allowed to attach the memos to the albums, ask for additional autographs on the memos, or write inappropriate comments toward the artists. In such cases, the memos will be taken and removed.
We ask for ENGENEs’ kind understanding for the inconveniences caused.
While fans attending the Music Korea fansign event expressed gratitude for the changes…
아마도 이번컴백이후ㅋ 처음으로 팬들의 의견을 들어준거같은데? 고맙ㅅㅂ니다?
모니터링 맨날 하고있으면 눈막귀막 같은것 작작하고
엔터는 좋은음악작품뿐만 아닌 팬덤사업도 열심히 경영하셔야되는게 빠수니가 가르쳐줘야함?
소비자들 개좆밥으로 보지말고 이것들아 https://t.co/BzaP80sEfA—
༘ (@g_md_ri) June 4, 2023
I think this is the first time since the latest comeback that BELIFT LAB has listened to the fans’ request. Thanks a lot, I guess? It tells me that the label is, indeed, monitoring reactions. So then… stop shutting us off and pretending we can’t be heard. A label is responsible not ONLY for good music and performance production, but ALSO business practices for the fandom. I can’t believe we, the fans, ourselves have to teach them that. Don’t f*cking mistreat us; We’re the customers here.
— @g_md_ri/Twitter
…most doubted that the changes are going to bring drastic improvements. Others pointed out that the ENGENEs who were at the Aladin fansign should be compensated for their subpar experiences.
- “But what about the fans who already had their hearts broken…?”
- “So… Is BELIFT LAB going to compensate the Aladin fans who spent tons of money only to get mistreated? Tsk, tsk. This label is shameless. Some fans flew in from other countries, like China, too. Is this some sort of revenge for the protest trucks about the dance or what?”
- “I felt terrible for the fan who shared their disappointing experience. What about them? How will BELIFT LAB compensate that?”
- “How does this help the fans who were already mistreated at the Aladin fansign? What about their hearts? Their time?”
- “What the foreign fan said… It made me so sad. How they said they’re not going to return to Korea. These fans spend so much money to attend fansigns. Imagine not being able to communicate a single word at such an event, though. Even though BELIFT LAB made changes, I’m still pissed off for the fans done dirty. Stop picking on the fans and DO BETTER.”
- “Sigh… I feel so bad for the fans who attended the Aladin one.
ENHYPEN fans—both Korean and international—have been vocal with BELIFT LAB for providing insufficient management for the group’s members. While this particular response to feedback shows the label’s willingness to work with the fans, most ENGENEs remain skeptical.
다시 대본 허용이된게 알라딘에서 그 수모를 당한 외국인팬에게 큰 위안이 되진 않겠지만 그래도 당신이 올려준 글 덕분에 바뀔 수 있었다고 전해주고싶음…. ㅠㅠ 당신이 쓴 글이 유의미한 것이었다고… 사랑은 밟혀도 훼손되지 않는다고 말해주고싶어 난 아무런 자격도 없지만..
— ♱파♱ (@pshpha) June 4, 2023
The fact that BELIFT LAB allowed scripts again isn’t going to make things better for the foreign fan who was so mistreated at the Aladin fansign. But I would like to let that fan know; It was their post that made this change possible… And that their post was meaningful. That their love for ENHYPEN isn’t breakable, no matter what BELIFT LAB does… Not that I deserve to tell them such things. But still.
— @pshpha/Twitter
Read more about ENGENEs past struggles with BELIFT LAB.
ENGENEs Call Out BELIFT LAB For Overworking ENHYPEN After Member Sunghoon Fainted At JFK Airport
from Koreaboo https://ift.tt/a0sy3R5
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